RZJPL Scrim Results & Gallery
Filed under: RZJPL
The latest RZJPL event has just finished, here's all the stats:
With Underlord's bot now working it was the best event so far. The statbox really helps keep track of the flags and which freq is leading - which has been hard to track with only one squad freq and everyone else playing pub. Here's a few screenshots I took in between choking:

RZJPL is held every Tuesday at 9est in ?go rzjpl in SSCX Chaos/League SVS. It's open to everyone. Just show up, hop in and play.
The latest RZJPL event has just finished, here's all the stats:
rzjpl kills Five o ford with 8 flags!
Opposing team won (33325 points given)
Game Over.
| Gametime: 43:55 Date: 10/17/06 21:56:46
+------------------------ ------ ------- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------+
+------------------------ ------ ------- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------+
| Ayatollah Assahola 3486 1977 10 7 0 0 4 16 0 1 18:28 |
| A mirror 3218 2421 12 9 0 0 6 10 0 7 13:17 |
| Masamune 3141 1491 11 8 0 0 4 14 0 4 14:33 |
| Confront 2831 2322 7 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 5:26 |
| Vitamin B 2713 1761 8 6 0 0 4 14 7 8 15:48 |
| Nilrem 2527 93 15 6 0 0 1 5 1 1 9:19 |
| Five o ford 2371 621 9 8 2 0 2 10 0 0 12:30 |
| vorbis 1915 837 10 8 0 0 3 12 0 3 12:21 |
| shakers 1840 0 11 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 2:56 |
+------------------------ ------ ------- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------+
| Record Name |
| Kills Nilrem 15 |
| Flag Kills A mirror 6 |
| Flag Points A mirror 2421 |
| Flags Grabbed Vitamin B 8 |
| Flags Lost Ayatollah Assah 16 |
| Deaths gg 15 |
| Flags Dropped mr. penguin 7 |
| MVP: Most Points Ayatollah Assah 3486 |
| MVP: Flag Time Ayatollah Assah 18:28 |
01) March of the Pengui 5040 1989 29 32 0 7 29:52
02) 1 4671 2322 18 11 0 5 8:22
03) Ereet 4469 1977 17 18 0 4 18:28
04) Creation 3710 1683 15 14 0 5 26:08
05) 4 3402 2190 14 20 8 6 19:53
06) Impeccable 3218 2421 12 9 0 6 13:17
07) 4 2713 1761 8 6 0 4 15:48
08) who 2594 528 17 25 0 1 13:03
09) 1 2527 93 15 6 0 1 9:19
10) 0 2371 621 9 8 0 2 12:30
11) 2 464 0 4 13 0 0 0:52
With Underlord's bot now working it was the best event so far. The statbox really helps keep track of the flags and which freq is leading - which has been hard to track with only one squad freq and everyone else playing pub. Here's a few screenshots I took in between choking:

RZJPL is held every Tuesday at 9est in ?go rzjpl in SSCX Chaos/League SVS. It's open to everyone. Just show up, hop in and play.