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Wednesday, October 11, 2006 

Give us Yer Fooking Money

Filed under: General News

Chaos head sysop Passplay (The Chaos sysop that's OK to like) has been in full-on Bob Geldof mode recently looking for more donations to fund the MasterRater/Bot server. Just a few bucks from each of us who plays in there will cover it, the server costs about $180 per month to run. I've managed to play this game for the best part of six years now and have never paid for anything - I didn't even buy the original game CD - so it's probably time I put my hand in my pocket and I suggest you do the same.

I was talking to Passplay last night and he said that by far the majority of donators are from Chaos, not Prem. We need to step it up, we can't let Sneakerz win. If every Prem player paid just $1 that would keep the server running for about three months. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, give a man a fishing rod and he'll say 'WTF, how can I eat a fishing rod you retard?'. Something like that anyway.

You can find more info and where to go to donate on this page.

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