Chaos in Chaos
Filed under: Chaos Zone
Remember this log I posted late last night? I got it from a thread Maeniel started on the Prem forums. By this morning the threads (he posted it on the AML, IML and Pro boards) had been deleted. Since then people keep starting threads about it and then the threads get deleted. Benji has tried to get round it by adding the log to his forum sig. After reading it you might be surprised that the Premier League staff would have any problems with the log as they come out of it looking pretty good - standing up for a wrongly banned Prem player.
The people who have problems with it are the Chaos staff, or the people who are upper staff in both Premier and Chaos like Mizerie (Chaos sysop, Premier League sysop and owner of the Premier forums. I'm not saying he's the one who's been deleting the threads, I'm just pointing out that he's a Chaos sysop, Premier League sysop and that he's the owner of the Premier League forums). This log highlights something that isn't supposed to exist: Chaos and Premier staff don't get on.
Sneakerz isn't pissed because another staff member lifted the ban. Sneakerz is pissed because a Premier League staff member has interfered in a ban he made in Chaos pub. We don't like your type coming in here and taking our jobs.
It's no surprise that someone like Sneakerz has so much power in Chaos. The zone has always had a pretty fucked up staff doing pretty fucked up things. Remember the suiciding mess? Remember when the Chaos reset stats were King? Remember the Chaos secret mod? (it was either Passplay or SuG, I can't remember which one now). How fucked up does a zone have to be to have a secret mod flying around?
I have a lot of respect for Passplay, he's one of the best sysops in SS, but there's a lot of weird people in Chaos and it's no surprise this kind of shit goes on in the background and it comes as completely no surprise to me at all that any public discussions of these problems gets shut down.
Chaos is the biggest SVS zone by luck. They don't really deserve the power over SVS players they currently wield. In the long term I would like to see - as I keep on saying - a combined SVS zone run on ASSS. That stop the public spawn holding all the cards and all SVS zones can share their population in one zone, but all still keep their zones independent and on the zones list. In the short term moving Premier League out of Chaos wouldn't be a bad idea, with Warzone being the obvious place.
It won't happen of course, not because of what's good and not good for Premier League, but because of what kind of impact it will have on Chaos. Why should the Prem staff have to put up with a power abusing moron like Sneakerz just because people like Mizerie hold all the cards? What exactly do we owe Chaos? What have the Romans ever done for us?
Just taken a look at the forums and all the threads concerning this have been deleted again. Mizerie has started a thread of his own however and written this:
You can read the thread in full here. I get the feeling this one might be a stayer.
Remember this log I posted late last night? I got it from a thread Maeniel started on the Prem forums. By this morning the threads (he posted it on the AML, IML and Pro boards) had been deleted. Since then people keep starting threads about it and then the threads get deleted. Benji has tried to get round it by adding the log to his forum sig. After reading it you might be surprised that the Premier League staff would have any problems with the log as they come out of it looking pretty good - standing up for a wrongly banned Prem player.
The people who have problems with it are the Chaos staff, or the people who are upper staff in both Premier and Chaos like Mizerie (Chaos sysop, Premier League sysop and owner of the Premier forums. I'm not saying he's the one who's been deleting the threads, I'm just pointing out that he's a Chaos sysop, Premier League sysop and that he's the owner of the Premier League forums). This log highlights something that isn't supposed to exist: Chaos and Premier staff don't get on.
Sneakerz isn't pissed because another staff member lifted the ban. Sneakerz is pissed because a Premier League staff member has interfered in a ban he made in Chaos pub. We don't like your type coming in here and taking our jobs.
It's no surprise that someone like Sneakerz has so much power in Chaos. The zone has always had a pretty fucked up staff doing pretty fucked up things. Remember the suiciding mess? Remember when the Chaos reset stats were King? Remember the Chaos secret mod? (it was either Passplay or SuG, I can't remember which one now). How fucked up does a zone have to be to have a secret mod flying around?
I have a lot of respect for Passplay, he's one of the best sysops in SS, but there's a lot of weird people in Chaos and it's no surprise this kind of shit goes on in the background and it comes as completely no surprise to me at all that any public discussions of these problems gets shut down.
Chaos is the biggest SVS zone by luck. They don't really deserve the power over SVS players they currently wield. In the long term I would like to see - as I keep on saying - a combined SVS zone run on ASSS. That stop the public spawn holding all the cards and all SVS zones can share their population in one zone, but all still keep their zones independent and on the zones list. In the short term moving Premier League out of Chaos wouldn't be a bad idea, with Warzone being the obvious place.
It won't happen of course, not because of what's good and not good for Premier League, but because of what kind of impact it will have on Chaos. Why should the Prem staff have to put up with a power abusing moron like Sneakerz just because people like Mizerie hold all the cards? What exactly do we owe Chaos? What have the Romans ever done for us?
Just taken a look at the forums and all the threads concerning this have been deleted again. Mizerie has started a thread of his own however and written this:
yes I realize the log is out there. By now you have probably all seen it by now.
However if you want to discuss it, do it somewhere else please. It is a staff issue, not a public one. I have given a vacation to 3 members of this forum now because of blatent disregard of what I obviously wanted done. Call me a nazi, I dont care, but trust me it takes along longer for you to type up whatever it is or copy and paste the log than it does for me to click "delete topic". The issue has been taken care of and no amount of bitching from the community is going to change what has ALREADY been done to rectify the situation. I am not sitting here defending Sneakerz and I am not here to preach that Staff is always right. we all make mistakes, let it go.
If posts on the public sections of this forum pop up regarding the issue then more vacations will be issued. I know you dont want that people, so just give it a rest. Pull up some old dirt on me and discuss that for a few days if you want...
"Miz made a ranking panel to kick all the good teams out of AML so Warlords could win it...."
remember that shit?? Discuss
You can read the thread in full here. I get the feeling this one might be a stayer.
I would just like to add that I have been banned from the Premier League forums for posting the log and/or links to the log. These guys must be looking for Google + Yahoo jobs in China.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 10, 2006 1:04 AM
What do you expect when you have a group of people who have power with no internal communication?
The ban may have been bullshit, but it was an equally stupid idea to lift it without talking to the staffer who put it into place.
This shit happens all the time; some blow it off, some get seriously offended. It was just a matter of time before one of these cases went public.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 10, 2006 6:44 AM
Oh, and before I forget:
How would you premier players feel if a pub staffer decided to lift a ban put on a player who was banned by a premier staffer?
My money says this aggression doesn't go both ways...
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 10, 2006 6:46 AM
The easiest way to make sure you don't get banned by Sneakerz is to donate for the Masterrate/bot server.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 10, 2006 1:52 PM
I seem to be the only one loved by all $$
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 11, 2006 11:11 PM