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Wednesday, March 08, 2006 

The Posters

A list of people you may see posting their ideas and rants here.


Started playing in late 2001 in Alpha West, then two months later started Victimise, an AML Squad. Moved on to Warzone and Powerball where he now spends most of his time, although he does still pop up aliased on the odd Premier League squad or two. Only plays SVS zones, except for a brief stint in DSB in his never-ending search for a decent turf zone. A serial blog starter.

total time spent banned: 6 months and 1 week.

The UnderlordThe Underlord

Started in summer 1996 playing as DNA, created the name The Underlord in fall of 1996. Took a break in 1998 lasting until January of 2001. Can be found spectating in Alpha West. Sometimes actually plays if the lag Gods are smiling upon him. Not to be confused with Underlord. Van lover. Is also Evil. (note period). The Underlord does not play Pro.

total time spent banned: 2 hours (unjustly).

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