Sneakerz Update
Filed under: Chaos Zone
So what happened to Sneakerz after he he went postal on CF on Sunday and all the feedback from it since?
Well if you say he got banned himself for abuse of his powers then you don't know Subspace politics very well. If you say he didn't get banned but was taken off Chaos staff and lost his powers then you really don't know Subspace politics very well. If you said he was demoted from being a sysop to a mod then you seriously have no clue about Subspace politics. If you think that a ban, loss of all powers or a demotion is a little too severe for a first offence so he got a temporary loss of powers - say for a week - then I guess you just started playing this game today and have no clue how things work around here.
Sneakerz is still around (he was in spec in RZJPL last night) and he still has all his powers. GG staff.
I guess Chaos needs a facilitator on it's staff so badly he can get away with all kinds of shit without any repercussions.
So what happened to Sneakerz after he he went postal on CF on Sunday and all the feedback from it since?
Well if you say he got banned himself for abuse of his powers then you don't know Subspace politics very well. If you say he didn't get banned but was taken off Chaos staff and lost his powers then you really don't know Subspace politics very well. If you said he was demoted from being a sysop to a mod then you seriously have no clue about Subspace politics. If you think that a ban, loss of all powers or a demotion is a little too severe for a first offence so he got a temporary loss of powers - say for a week - then I guess you just started playing this game today and have no clue how things work around here.
Sneakerz is still around (he was in spec in RZJPL last night) and he still has all his powers. GG staff.
Vangel is an old term first coined by the original programmers meaning "virtual angel" and was used to label all volunteer staff in VIE zones. These staff members in Chaos are the old and crusty advisors and right-hand men for the head sysop. They also dedicate gobs of free-time and whole-hearted love to grease the cogs of the second longest-running zone in Subspace. Their range of duties are varied depending on skills.
Bearded Dragon : (CZL Manager, Head Webmonkey)
Mizerie : (Graphics Development Manager, Premier Data Manager)
Sneakerz : (Events Development Coordinator and Facilitator)
I guess Chaos needs a facilitator on it's staff so badly he can get away with all kinds of shit without any repercussions.
I'd like to see the staff comment on it, like CF, Rost, and Sneakerz.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 11, 2006 6:07 PM