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Wednesday, September 06, 2006 

Powerball Organised Srimmage

Filed under: Powerball

This was written by Stagnate and taken from Powerballzone:

Sorry about the delay posting this; I had to stay away at work for an extra week (wah). There will be a draft event aka organized scrimmage next Sunday. Signup is from 7:30 - 8:30 EST, if you miss signup you WILL NOT PLAY!

* Traditional league map, without gates
* 8-10 players per team
* 30 minute games w/ Sudden death OT
* Registered alias required to play
* Sudden Death OT

Again, signups start at 7:30 EST and last one hour. At that point we will run the draft, which could take as long as 30 minutes although I hope that it is much quicker. Format could be round robin or single elim brackets, depending on the number of teams. Plan on playing 3 games.

You can read the thread in full here. As things stand now this won't effect the PB Pyramid league I'm planning on running and I'm still going ahead with recruiting squads. I see this as a first step towards a full 8v8 league, with the PBPL being the next step. It might be that this will take off so that we don't need the PBPL and can go straight from scrims to a CashBall or Classic season which would be very good news.

I'm not starting a league because I want to have the power, I'm starting it because I want to see PB back playing regular 8v8 leagues and the sooner we can do that the better. Well ... maybe I'd like a little power you know.

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