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Monday, August 28, 2006 

'Exploit' Explained

Filed under: General News

So you read the Cheat or Lag? post below, checked out the videos, read the thread and you still didn't see what the fuss was about? Well join the club.

Turns out the problem was with Continuum 38. Apparently you could still enter Chaos with this client. If you remember a pre-release version of 39 was rushed out after a hideous prox bug in 38 was found. So people have been able to still enter the zone with 38 and play games with the prox bug still in effect. Now that you can no longer enter the zone with anything other than 39 things should be back to normal.

It bares saying that the prox bug is still there in 39. It's been fixed for bombs, but not for thors. I don't need to tell you that if a team-mate of yours half a screen away gets hit by a thor and it causes you to die. Fun stuff.

The thor prox bug is on the list of things to fix in the full release of 39, fuck knows when that will happen though unless PrittK decides to hand over the source code to someone else. Can't see that happening anytime soon.

You can read the thread started on the Premier forums here that explains the whole mess.

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