Premier League Week 6 Schedule
Filed under: Premier League
Here's how tomorrow's games shape up:
Pro League Round 6
Exultant vs Unhallowed @ 2pm (Unh by 9.5)
Assassins vs NightBane @ 3pm (Ass by 6.5)
Starseed vs Sterling @ 3pm (SS by 2.5)
BIA vs Llamasery @ 4pm (BIA by 1.0)
Creation vs Fuel @ 4pm (Crea by 2.0)
Poke Her vs The Dark @ 9pm (TD by 1.0)
IML Round 6
CR Virgins vs Prospect (postponed by Pros)
Fly-NDeath vs Nightwatch @ 3pm (even)
FutureCrew vs Liquid Inc. @ 3pm (FC by 9.5)
ReDS vs Striker @ 4pm (ReDS by 2.5)
Secret vs StarFire Elite @ 4pm (SFE by 5.5)
(IMLLamasery have a bye)
AML Round 6
Fly-NDie vs ReDS-AML @ 2pm (ReDS by 0.5)
StarFire Academy vs SkyRakers @ 4pm (SFA by 1.5)
Warlords vs BECNHERS UNITE @ 5pm (BU by 5.5)
Don't forget you can find all the latest league news on the Premier League website.
Here's how tomorrow's games shape up:
Exultant vs Unhallowed @ 2pm (Unh by 9.5)
Assassins vs NightBane @ 3pm (Ass by 6.5)
Starseed vs Sterling @ 3pm (SS by 2.5)
BIA vs Llamasery @ 4pm (BIA by 1.0)
Creation vs Fuel @ 4pm (Crea by 2.0)
Poke Her vs The Dark @ 9pm (TD by 1.0)
IML Round 6
CR Virgins vs Prospect (postponed by Pros)
Fly-NDeath vs Nightwatch @ 3pm (even)
FutureCrew vs Liquid Inc. @ 3pm (FC by 9.5)
ReDS vs Striker @ 4pm (ReDS by 2.5)
Secret vs StarFire Elite @ 4pm (SFE by 5.5)
(IMLLamasery have a bye)
AML Round 6
Fly-NDie vs ReDS-AML @ 2pm (ReDS by 0.5)
StarFire Academy vs SkyRakers @ 4pm (SFA by 1.5)
Warlords vs BECNHERS UNITE @ 5pm (BU by 5.5)
Don't forget you can find all the latest league news on the Premier League website.
Maybe you could put some sort of brief explanantion about what the Premier League is... I can't figure out and I've seen your sight a few times and would like to be able to understand better;-)
Posted by
Anonymous |
August 26, 2006 11:51 PM
If you click the link for the main website on the post above it will give you all the info you need.
The Premier League is the where all the best squads (clans) in Subspace compete. Go through the links in the 'about us' section to the right to learn more about the game.
Posted by
CelebPixx |
August 27, 2006 10:25 AM
Here's the FAQ page on the Prem website:
The best site to start with if you're new to subspace is:
Posted by
CelebPixx |
August 27, 2006 10:30 AM