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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 

ProBall League

Filed under: Powerball

One of the big questions aimed at the Powerball staff since the move to ASSS has been "When is the next league starting?" not as big as "Why are you shoving this SmallPub crap down our throats?", but still pretty big.

As I mentioned in my post about the start of the WZ Cup, SVS zones are pretty much league based now and the lack of any PB leagues running since the server move has hurt it's pop.

That is going to change in the next few weeks as season 6 of ProBall League will start up. It makes sense to run PBL first ahead of Classic or CashBall as it's fairly simple to set up and iron out any bugs that will come up. Hopefully this will run into a new CB or Classic season.

Sean* is going to be running it and I'll post more news on the start and structure of the league as it's released. You can keep up with all the latest Powerball news by checking out the zone website Powerballzone - although these days most of the news is actually posted on the PB forums first.

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