But This Map Goes up to 11
Filed under: Chaos Zone
Taken from Chaos/League's news.txt this very morning:
I don't play Chaos pub so I can't tell you how exciting it is, but from first glance it doesn't look like anything more revolutionary than what Kill9mm was doing in his various attempts to get a Star Trek zone up and running over the past four years or so, or even the infamous Zippy graphics upgrade to Powerball.
I've just taken a few screenshots for your visual pleasure and it does look good. Go check it out for yourself and see if it lives up to the hype.

Taken from Chaos/League's news.txt this very morning:
We have an amazing new map going in today. Taffee and Lagger v0.01 have been working on this map for several months and it is finally completed. Something different might be a good way to describe this excellent new map as Taffee and Lagger have found some exciting new ways to present .lvz files into maps. I applaude them for a job well done. I know they would love to hear all your comments on the map so please leave messages or post on the forums about it. I am sorry for the larger download but you can trust me...its worth it.
I don't play Chaos pub so I can't tell you how exciting it is, but from first glance it doesn't look like anything more revolutionary than what Kill9mm was doing in his various attempts to get a Star Trek zone up and running over the past four years or so, or even the infamous Zippy graphics upgrade to Powerball.
I've just taken a few screenshots for your visual pleasure and it does look good. Go check it out for yourself and see if it lives up to the hype.