Project Subspace
Filed under: General News
This is a nearly a couple of months old now, but I only just found it today. It's taken from the SSForums development board and is by DSB sysop Bjorn:
You can read the thread in full here and download the game here. It's not the first time someone has come up with an offline version of Subspace, but this is the first time I think someone has made one which keeps the feel and look of the game, although unsurprisingly the ship settings are from DSB. Here's a few screenshots I just took:

You can play full screen at 1600x1200 res, but you can't take screenshots which is why all of those are in desktop mode. I think this could be a fun game and since it uses Cont .lvl's it wouldn't be too hard for an SVS version of this. Kudos to Bjorn for working on it and I'll keep you updated with any Project Subspace news.
This is a nearly a couple of months old now, but I only just found it today. It's taken from the SSForums development board and is by DSB sysop Bjorn:
New subspacelike game:
Project Subspace
I combined parts of my AI bot and a old client project to make a small game and figured i'd slap it on here to see what people think. Its a preprerelease now so if it runs, great. If it doesnt I dont really care
The objective in the game right now is just to kill and for every kill one opponent is added.
Its pretty much like subspace offline right now and I dont really have any plans for the game. I do have some ideas though and it would be nice to see what ideas you guys can come up with. One is to take advantage of the AI as much as possible and turn it into somewhat of a strategy game. You could have your own ship and then ontop of that have teams of maybe 3 ships that you can give orders in combat. For example, "Follow me" or "Swing right". This could make for some pretty massive fights.
I have a couple other small ideas aswell but Im mostly interested in gameplay ideas right now so I'll leave it at that.
Known bugs at the moment:
ship bouncing glitch.
drawing glitch that creates an empty line around middle on some machines.
you can shoot when youre dead.
(If youre having problems starting the game try the different resolutions before whining here )
You can read the thread in full here and download the game here. It's not the first time someone has come up with an offline version of Subspace, but this is the first time I think someone has made one which keeps the feel and look of the game, although unsurprisingly the ship settings are from DSB. Here's a few screenshots I just took:
You can play full screen at 1600x1200 res, but you can't take screenshots which is why all of those are in desktop mode. I think this could be a fun game and since it uses Cont .lvl's it wouldn't be too hard for an SVS version of this. Kudos to Bjorn for working on it and I'll keep you updated with any Project Subspace news.
vorby, if the end result of an offline spaceship game is a presentable packaged product, we could viral market this, and people will love it. If we integrate the app with the real online version, this could be revival in the making.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 11, 2006 9:34 PM