Best Ban Ever
Filed under: Random Crap
Just read this on the SSForums:
The day you can't shoot blow darts at cats then forward all your ss traffic to a Dutch hardcore gay porn site is the day this game dies. All sysops reading should give this man a banfree now. You can read the thread in full here and check out how the DS website looks by clicking here - you aren't automatically forwarded to the porn, you have to click the pic.
Just read this on the SSForums:
I find alot of the bans going on to be a little excessive, not my place to say when someone does something stupid, but when the bans hit home, then its a problem. 2 days ago, I was banned, for the most ridiculus reason ever. The ban is still active (netban #1984). from the start basically, i shot a cat with a blow dart (yeah sure its not right, but when this wild cat pisses on your windshield, and takes a crap on your hood, you want it dead.) so i told Jericho24. (not to complain, but he does kill rats and mice for snake food) about it..
which inturn cased me to lose my sysop position of sscc desert storm. The job isnt important but once they remove/ban me from the zone. I'm sorry, my property comes with ( If you look on the Registrant of the domain, it lists myself (David DeRenard). So once i took my domain cleaned it out, and forwarded it to a Dutch Gay Magazine Companys website, apparently that was grounds for a netwide ban.
In my understanding, anything in my PERSONAL life (outside of ss), can not be used to netban me. I have not broken 1 rule of the SSC ban policy. Im not posting this in hope of getting my ban lifted, that dont bother me. I just feel you should all know about it.
To all of you who have gave me a banfree, i respect you for that, and for following decent ban guidelines.
Current ban description: "Axed sysop of DS, took down DS website and forwarded to extremely pornographic websites. Ban authorised by SVS"
And for SVS, i realize you dont like me, thats your choice. But this was ridiculus, as a bang operator you yourself should stick to a decent set of guidelines.
Damn dude.. I will remain annoyomous as I am staff at another zone, but that is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen and a retarded ban. SVS is known Continuum wide for having a ?ban -e365 macro readily available.
I wish you luck
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 16, 2007 9:53 AM
DAMN this is old and just came across it googling.
Axing schitt is the best thing that ever happened. You know you were a lying asshole and you probably still am 6 years later.
Development, coordination and communication went up by 5000% when you left :D.
With kind regards, your old friend:
Witchie NL
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 29, 2016 7:58 PM