WZL Winners Banner
Filed under: Warzone
When you first enter SSCX Warzone CTF there's always a banner at the top of the screen of the current WZL champions. With season 14 ending the banner has just changed. As the banner is only displayed for a few seconds I thought I'd let you check it out here too. Of course this has nothing to do with the winning squad just hapenning to be the squad I play for....

Fame at last.
When you first enter SSCX Warzone CTF there's always a banner at the top of the screen of the current WZL champions. With season 14 ending the banner has just changed. As the banner is only displayed for a few seconds I thought I'd let you check it out here too. Of course this has nothing to do with the winning squad just hapenning to be the squad I play for....

Fame at last.