Dueling League
Filed under: Dueling Arizona
2v2 is finally waking up from it's coma and dueling league is starting up again. The staff are currently signing up squads.
The league has a good chance of getting back on it's feet. For a start SimonSays is no longer involved, which can't do them any harm.
You have until the end of next week to get your squad registered. You can find all the details here. Looks like they're going to run the whole league, including roster mangement, on the forums. Should be interesting.
For a little taster of what 2v2 is like, I've dug out a few pics of Vic and DoubleZero (two old squads I ran) in action. Well ... I say action. The action was mostly us running, getting trapped in a corner then knocked out:

If you do decide to sign up good luck, but you'll have aways to go to match up to the greatest squad in 2v2 history. I speak of none other than the legendary FAT FUCK.
2v2 is finally waking up from it's coma and dueling league is starting up again. The staff are currently signing up squads.
The league has a good chance of getting back on it's feet. For a start SimonSays is no longer involved, which can't do them any harm.
You have until the end of next week to get your squad registered. You can find all the details here. Looks like they're going to run the whole league, including roster mangement, on the forums. Should be interesting.
For a little taster of what 2v2 is like, I've dug out a few pics of Vic and DoubleZero (two old squads I ran) in action. Well ... I say action. The action was mostly us running, getting trapped in a corner then knocked out:

If you do decide to sign up good luck, but you'll have aways to go to match up to the greatest squad in 2v2 history. I speak of none other than the legendary FAT FUCK.